Picture of Alison La Ferlita

AM Spotlight: Heller Fundraising Group

Given we are in the thick of fundraising season, we felt it only appropriate to feature Associate Member, Peter Heller of Heller Fundraising Group, to find out more about his organization and how he helps the nonprofit community maximize their fundraising opportunities.

NRH: Peter, tell us about Heller Fundraising Group and the services it provides

PH:  We build abundance for our nonprofit clients through customized consulting and training for successful capital campaigns, insightful feasibility studies, and prosperous major gift programs. We help nonprofit leaders who are already smart focus on fundraising revenue that will build a stronger future for their community – however, they define “community.” We are located in NYC and work everywhere.

NRH: Can you tell us a little about your role at Heller Fundraising Group?

PH: I founded the company 17 years ago and in my present role I oversee our company vision and our team. I also make this hard work as fun as possible. 

NRH: Can you tell us a little about your team at Heller Fundraising Group?

PH:  We have a staff of 5 amazing people and 12 consulting partners who contribute to our client assignments. And we will be hiring 2 more consultants in 2022!

NRH: What is the Heller Fundraising Group’s motto?

PH: Enjoy serious fundraising results.

NRH: Peter, if you had one solid nugget of wisdom to share with our nonprofits, what would it be?

PH: Everyone thinks there is something unique about their situation which makes fundraising hard, yet everyone can improve their fundraising results. Get over it and use best practices to raise more money to make the world a better place.

NRH: What is Heller Fundraising Group doing for its philanthropic efforts this holiday season?

PH: Each staff member contributes individually to the causes they care about. The company supports local and national nonprofits.

NRH: What are the goals for Heller Fundraising Group as you move forward into the future?

PH:   As a company, NAMI Westchester, Inc. is driven by increasing our client base so we can increase our revenue. If you’re in business and you are not doing that, something is wrong. At the same time, we have a unique situation where our clients are nonprofits, working to help 1,000s of people and communities. Therefore, we grow, and the world gets more help. Nice, right!

You can find out more about Peter and Heller Fundraising services by logging on to:


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