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Maximizing Nonprofit Giving in an Election Year: Strategies for Success

As the 2024 US presidential election draws closer, nonprofits face unique challenges and opportunities in their fundraising efforts. With the political landscape dominating headlines and shaping public discourse, it’s essential for nonprofit professionals to navigate these waters thoughtfully. Here’s how nonprofits can maximize their giving in an election year by understanding the landscape, adapting strategies, and leveraging opportunities.

Understanding the Election-Year Landscape

1.) Impact of Political Campaigns:

The misconception that political campaigns divert funds away from charitable causes is often overstated. While political giving does spike during election years, it typically represents a small fraction of overall charitable donations. For instance, political contributions in 2024 are projected to be around $2.7 billion, a fraction of the nearly $500 billion in charitable giving expected this year.

2.) Historical Trends:

Historical data shows that charitable giving tends to increase in nine out of ten presidential election years, despite political fundraising activities. Notably, the increase in political donations does not necessarily result in a reduction in charitable contributions. In fact, studies suggest that donors who contribute to political campaigns often increase their overall charitable giving.

Strategies for Effective Fundraising

1.) Bold and Clear Communication:

In a politically charged environment, it’s crucial for nonprofits to take a bold, unapologetic stance on their mission. Clearly articulate what the public and politicians should do to drive change. This approach helps differentiate your organization amidst the noise of election campaigns.

2.) Leverage Digital Mobilization:

Election years present an opportunity to boost digital engagement. Use this time to grow your supporter base and connect with your audience through digital platforms. ACLU’s example from the 2016 election shows the potential for increased engagement and donations when leveraging timely, relevant messaging.

3.) Ensure Technological Readiness:

Prepare your technology infrastructure to handle potential surges in engagement. Ensure your CRM, donation platforms, and website are scalable and robust. The high volume of traffic and donations seen during past election years underscores the importance of having reliable technology in place.

4.) Adjust Advertising and Outreach:

Plan your advertising strategies carefully. Political campaigns will increase competition for ad space and may lead to higher costs and stricter scrutiny of ad content. Adjust your ad timelines and be prepared for potential delays or restrictions. Consider keeping evergreen ads live and pausing major campaigns close to the election.

5.) Refine Email and Direct Mail Tactics:

Be thoughtful about your email and direct mail campaigns. Avoid election-related themes unless directly relevant to your mission. Adjust your mailing schedules to avoid overlap with peak political messaging periods. For critical appeals, such as end-of-year requests or Giving Tuesday promotions, consider timing them before or after the election to avoid competition with political fundraising.

6.) Monitor and Adapt Based on Analytics:

Track and document how the election impacts your fundraising efforts. Analyze changes in donor behavior, campaign performance, and overall fundraising trends to refine future strategies. Understanding the context and adjusting expectations will help set realistic goals and improve planning for future election cycles.

Emphasize Empathy and Mission

1.) Practice Empathy:

High voter turnout and election outcomes can heighten emotions. Approach communications with empathy, acknowledging the potential impact of political events on your donors and stakeholders. Tailor your messaging to resonate with their current concerns and values.

2.) Reaffirm Your Mission:

Regardless of election outcomes, stay committed to your mission. Reinforce the relevance of your cause and continue to communicate your organization’s impact. Donors remain passionate about their causes, and maintaining focus on your mission will help sustain their support.

Navigating fundraising in an election year requires a blend of strategic planning, adaptability, and empathy. By understanding the election’s impact, leveraging digital and advertising opportunities, ensuring technological readiness, and maintaining clear communication, nonprofits can effectively engage their supporters and maximize giving. Despite the political climate, Americans remain generous, and with thoughtful preparation, your organization can thrive and continue to make a significant impact.


Crystal Harvey


Crystal is a member of Cerini & Associates’ audit staff where she focuses on serving organizations across a wide spectrum of industries, including nonprofit, technology, and contractor clients. She has experience performing assurance work and outsourced accounting work, as well as preparing tax returns. Crystal has extensive knowledge surrounding the operations, controls, and environment of the sectors she focuses on. She brings her expertise, diversified background,

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