Picture of Darren Port

One Year In, How Do We Get Out?

It’s been a year. I mean, IT’S BEEN A YEAR. It’s been one full year since the global pandemic introduced us all to the ideas of lockdown, social distancing, and disinfecting groceries. It’s been a year of being anxious and worried about our families, and worried about our jobs, our communities, and our country.

Even if you’re lucky enough to have a lot, after this year, many people have realized that they do not need much of anything at all. Good health for yourself and your loved ones is really all that matters.

Most of what we’ve learned as humans has translated into our work environments as well. Many of us have surprised ourselves with how well we can change personally and professionally. After a year of pandemic-living, our personal lives have certainly adapted (I’ve only half-jokingly considered writing a book called “My View from the Red Couch”), and so too have our professional lives.

Here at PBP, adapting has been the name of the game, from in-person to virtual events, ramping up on tech platforms, and finding ways to pre-record “live” segments to make them feel live. But the adage “the more things change, the more they stay the same” very much applies to our Year 1 of pandemic living.

Here’s what HASN’T changed:


We all want to feel connected – to our families, to our friends, to our work colleagues. We also need connections within our communities. For PBP, these connections are happening through the virtual events we’ve produced.

Our charity partners are building connections within their supporter communities, by having interactive elements in the programs and by highlighting the missions of their charities. Even if it’s just for an evening, those connections were felt and marked and celebrated.


The passion for helping our fellow man has not left us during this year of isolation; in fact, the want to help has only intensified. With so many people going without this year, we want to help those less fortunate than us.

Our charity partners’ virtual events and campaigns have allowed us to tangibly help those in need. PBP has helped ensure the work that is being done by and the missions of our charity partners have remained front and center in supporters’ minds, so that these worthy causes can be helped when the need is the greatest.


Didn’t we all think that we would organize our entire lives during that first week of the lockdown? How many of us actually did make strides to organize our homes, our workplaces, or our home/work spaces? You may have always wanted to organize certain spaces in your home or office, or perhaps you wanted to organize your workflow in some way: how you process and tackle emails, how you store your work product, etc. That desire for organization is more important than ever, and the good news is that PBP organizes as their livelihoods! Organization is the key to life, and PBP can help.

As we start to see a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, may we take lessons learned as we come together once again, and connect with each other, help each other, and organize our lives for the better.

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