
woman thinking in suit

New Comparability Plan… Is it Right for You?

Pension plans should be an important part of every business’ benefits package. Not only do they let business owners/executives and employees to set aside funds for their retirement, but they provide the added ability for

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woman writing on paper

Why Testing is Important for Pensions

As auditors, we are always busy performing different types of testing, especially controls and compliance-based test work. While there is a common stigma about auditors and audits in general, and they have a “gotcha” sort of mentality,

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Bearded businessman addressing colleagues

Governance: It’s Not Rocket Science

At a recent board meeting with a new client, I found myself at the table with a number of brilliant and acclaimed scientists, some of whom had worked for NASA at different points in their careers. The board members’ individual accomplishments aside, this organization’s governance was abysmal.

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businessmen shaking hands next to office building

Succession Planning for Nonprofit Boards

Nonprofits that are serious about their own sustainability should also be serious about planning for the smooth and thoughtful transition of their leadership. Whether a transition occurs due to an unexpected vacancy on the staff

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Fundraising: A Different Approach

For too long, the nonprofit sector has taken a “one size fits all” approach to fundraising; with dinner dances and golf outings clogging the calendar and development staff making phone calls looking for sponsorships at pre-established levels.

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business casual man in office

NYPMIFA: What is it and what does it mean for me?

NYPMIFA – what does this strange acronym mean? These seven letters are used to abbreviate the New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. NYPMIFA is not something completely new to us. This legislation was signed into New

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men in suits shaking hands

Too Many Nonprofits, Too little M&A

Nonprofit organizations are facing an increasing number of demands and it’s finding many of them stretched so thin that creativity and strategy are the only answers left to overcome these demands. Government funding is decreasing

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