10 Ways to Improve Board Engagement
For anyone who’s ever said, “I wish my board members would be more involved…” There are simple ways to encourage and foster board engagement. It’s never too late.
For anyone who’s ever said, “I wish my board members would be more involved…” There are simple ways to encourage and foster board engagement. It’s never too late.
Follow these best practices to have seamless, effective virtual board meetings.
It’s the little things. Make these little improvements to get more out of your board meetings, have more effective communication and grow engagement.
Let’s start with this basic premise: people join nonprofit boards because of their passion for the mission. No one joins a nonprofit board to spend time and energy on nonprofit governance. Nobody wants to become a governance geek!
At a recent board meeting with a new client, I found myself at the table with a number of brilliant and acclaimed scientists, some of whom had worked for NASA at different points in their careers. The board members’ individual accomplishments aside, this organization’s governance was abysmal.
Board meetings should be structured effectively to allow board members to connect with the mission of the organization and encourage a commitment to achieving organizational
Nonprofits that are serious about their own sustainability should also be serious about planning for the smooth and thoughtful transition of their leadership. Whether a
NYPMIFA – what does this strange acronym mean? These seven letters are used to abbreviate the New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. NYPMIFA is not something
IRS Form 990 is an informational tax form that the majority of tax-exempt organizations must file annually. The Form’s main purpose is to give the
Most Board members are not expected to be nonprofit financial experts, but they should have a basic understanding of the information in the financial statements