Picture of Ellie Hume

Challenge Accepted!- When Outsourced Accounting Makes Sense For Libraries

On a rainy day, in a cozy chair, reading a thrilling novel, you turn the page… and the last chapter is missing.  

That feeling of loss is like managing your library without a clear financial picture. There’s missing information. Outsourcing can be a temporary or permanent controllable cost that completes your financial story.  YPTC is available to assist with resources and experienced staff who understand the ins and outs of many kinds of libraries. 

Library Outsourcing Services 

  • Planning 
  • Using data to understand revenue trends, manage collections, and more 
  • Strategic growth with changing patron needs and service offerings 
  • Alternate funding and endowment tracking and spending  
  • Variance analysis, forecasting, and data visualization 
  • Preserving 
  • Staff compensation analysis and budgets 
  • Grant applications & management  
  • New financial software implementation 
  • Board education & governance best practices 
  • Supporting  
  • Paying bills, recording receipts, processing payroll 
  • Training staff and process improvements 
  • Financial policy & controls best practices 
  • Monthly account reconciliation & financial statement preparation 

Expanding your accounting team with outsourced experienced professionals can assist your current team and elevate your financial story.  

Benefits of outsourcing  

  • Cost efficiencies 
  • Fresh independent perspective 
  • Temporary, transitional, flexible support 

YPTC is here to help! 

Check out our Libraries Specialization page to learn more about how YPTC can help you. 

More to explore:

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