Picture of Jaclyn Morse

HP Releases Printer Firmware To Address Critical Threats

Yesterday HP released firmware to address critical threats that cover popular LaserJet printer & MFP models. The threats have CVSS scores of 7.5, 8.4, and 9.8. If these patches are not applied, you may be leaving your printers vulnerable to information disclosure, denial of service, or remote code execution.

In certain HP Enterprise and HP LaserJet Pro printers, one of the threats can be mitigated by disabling LLMNR in network settings.

See below links for details on the threat, how to access the firmware update and instructions on disabling LLMNR:



If you find yourself without a strategy for print security and/or falling behind on upgrading printer firmware (or not doing it at all!) our team can help!  We can run an HP Security Manager quick assessment and analyze your printers to see where you need to upgrade the firmware.  Reach out to us below today: Schedule a Conversation with one of our Printer/Copier Solutions Experts

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Veteran Peer Mentor

The Veteran Peer Mentor is an individual who has served in the United States Armed Forces (preferably including at least one tour of duty), who can serve as a positive example, and is committed to assisting other veterans, and their family members in

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