Picture of Lauren Marzo

Accommodating Your Customers and Users with Disabilities

Did you know that making your website, digital documents and video content accessible is required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? As lawsuits continue to rise, more organizations are proactively addressing the accessibility of their digital content, but many don’t know where to start.

Where You Can Start

The Viscardi Center helps organizations address all aspects of digital accessibility. We work with businesses, nonprofits, governments, financial and academic institutions, and professional service companies to assess digital accessibility needs, create compliance plans, and remediate issues across their digital properties.

Based on Long Island, we can help local and national organizations:

    Make digital documents, like PDFs and PowerPoint presentations, fully accessible to blind and low vision readers
    Ensure websites are WCAG accessible, and usable by screen readers and other assistive technologies
    Caption all audio-visual media content, so it is accessible to viewers with deafness and hearing loss

Learn more about digital accessibility by viewing this brief video.

We can help your organization meet and exceed any digital accessibility goals for you or your clients. We would be delighted to find some time to connect in the next few weeks if you’re interested in learning more about how we can inform and assist you.

Please complete our interest form here or reach out to me at jhoppe@ViscardiCenter.org with your availability for a conversation.

Thank you,

James Hoppe
Account Executive, Digital Accessibility Services
Office: 516.465.1587
Mobile: 516.743.5540

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