Picture of Jason Wu

Call for Videos | Support Human Services Workers

During March, the human services sector is celebrating Women’s History Month, as well as human services workers!

HSC will be celebrating human services workers with a social media action day on Wednesday, March 24th. We will be sharing the sample tweets and toolkit days before the event.

In the meantime, please send us a short 20 to 30-second clip/video of a worker at your organization – or workers! – telling their story of supporting communities during COVID by COB next Friday, March 19th.

You can download instructions and a sample script template by clicking here. Please send your video to Gaby Andrade at andradeg@humanservicescouncil.org by COB next Friday, March 19th.

Since March 2020, human services workers have been on the frontlines of COVID-19 to ensure New York communities are safe and healthy. The nonprofit human services workforce comprises 80% women and over half people of color. The best way for the State to show its commitment to achieving equity among workers is to recognize human services workers as essential workers and allow them to receive emergency pay. Thank you for joining us with videos and by participating in the action day to raise up this important issue!

Video Instructions & Script

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Veteran Peer Mentor

The Veteran Peer Mentor is an individual who has served in the United States Armed Forces (preferably including at least one tour of duty), who can serve as a positive example, and is committed to assisting other veterans, and their family members in

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