Picture of Jill Krumholz

A Guide to Help You Determine Your Covid Vaccine Policy

Workplace safety guidelines for Covid-19 are changing rapidly with the rise of the Delta variant.  Many companies and government entities are responding to growing concerns by taking a strong position on vaccination policies. Google, Facebook, Morgan Stanley, Netflix, and Uber have mandated vaccines for U.S. workers. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio have ordered state and city workers to get vaccinated or be tested weekly. President Joe Biden has announced that unvaccinated federal employees and contractors must wear masks at work, remain socially distanced and get tested regularly.

Organizations large and small are grappling with their position on mandatory vaccinations. Employers are having to make difficult decisions about the policies to put in place to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace as they reopen, and employees begin to work onsite. All the options bring their own set of challenges and risk. 

Here are some of the critical questions about vaccination policies as you plan to return to the workplace:

  1. Why would some employers mandate vaccinations and others not?
  2. Are there hybrid approaches where some employees are vaccinated, and others are not and what are the challenges?
  3. What is the process for tracking who has been vaccinated and can you ask employees directly?
  4. Can employers continue to require masks and social distancing in the workplace?
  5. Can employers incentivize employees to get vaccinated?
  6. What are the legal risks of mandating or not mandating vaccinations?
  7. Are there required exemptions for vaccination mandates?

Nonprofit Resource Hub Board Member, Ken Cerini of Cerini & Associates, hosted a webinar with guests Susan Kreeger, CEO/Founder of RealHR, and Doug Rowe, Partner of Certilman Balin Adler & Hyman, LLP, to discuss and shed light on these questions – both from an HR and legal perspective.  You can watch this timely and informative discussion on Vaccination Policies that was held July 29, 2021.   

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